Lifestyle AI

An app for diet and lifestyle management. Uses multivariate time series forcasting to generate weight predictions and recommendations for macronutrient consumption and corresponding food choices. Uses a Flask API hosted on GCP to serve predictions with Tensorflow. Private code.

Google Play Store

Automated Segmentation of Temporal Bone Structures from Clinical Computed Tomography Images

Masters thesis work focusing on the semantic segmentation of anatomical structures from the temporal bone for the use in a surgical mastoidectomy simulator. Outlines the usage of multi-atlas based approaches as well as convoultional neural networks.


Automatic Segmentation of Lungs using a Convolutional Neural Network

Segmentation of computed tomography images of the lungs from the luna16 dataset using a U-net coded with Python and Tensorflow.


Other Projects

EEG Processing for Muse Headsets

A small MATLAB project done for a psychology student for streamlined processing of signals from a Muse EEG headset using EEGLAB.


Linux Configuration Dotfiles

Configuration files for Linux environment.


Portfolio Website

The source code for this portfolio website.

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Python Scripts

Personal Python scripts for various tasks such as image scraping and finding images in filesystem based on perceived brightness.

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